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Oral Problems


Oral problems are a very troublesome thing, because the frequency of its occurrence is really too high. If you don't pay attention, oral diseases will occur. Because there are many kinds of oral problems, today Jiangsu haierzi (Shutai) Xiaobian will focus on some of the most common oral problems.

1、 Oral ulcer

Oral ulcers are common in all oral problems, because oral ulcers incidence rate is high, and easy to relapse. Once suffering from oral ulcer, pain up, not only difficult to eat, speaking has become a lot more difficult. The cause of oral ulcer has a lot to do with one's own eating habits. Usually, avoid too hot and spicy stimulating food in one's diet. These stimulating food can easily cause oral mucosa damage and then lead to oral ulcer. Usually also eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, supplement adequate vitamins, to avoid the lack of certain vitamins and lead to oral ulcer problems.


2、 Bad breath

Bad breath is also very common in oral problems, because bad breath is also related to diet. Usually, we should pay attention to develop good eating habits. Don't eat too much. It will not only cause indigestion, belching, but also find you with bad breath. Smoking and drinking are also closely related to bad breath. We should try our best to give up these bad habits.


3、 Dental diseases

There are also many dental diseases, such as dental plaque, dental calculus, periodontitis, dental caries, gingival bleeding and so on. These dental diseases will also harm our oral health. We must pay attention to oral hygiene at ordinary times. Those with dental diseases must go to regular hospitals to find professional dentists for diagnosis and treatment. In daily life, we should also develop the good habit of taking good care of teeth. After a meal must gargle, after a meal to use dental floss to remove food residues on the teeth, after a meal to brush with a soft brush. Don't eat or eat less super acid food, especially the food with color. Drink less coke. Tea is easy to form tooth stains. You also need to pay attention to it. You can drink drinks that are easy to produce tooth stains on your teeth with a straw.










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