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Do you know what is missing when you always get oral ulcer repeatedly? So what method is the most ef

Publish :2018-07-31 丨 Views: 512

Oral ulcer is the most common symptom for many people now. Almost everyone has experienced oral ulcer. Even if it is a simple drink of water, the slight influence of the mouth is extremely painful. Brushing your teeth every day is more like using a steel ball to brush the pot. But what is the cause of oral ulcer? If a person always gets oral cavity ulcer, what is lack after all? Today, what is the most effective way to treat oral ulcer?


Often get oral cavity ulcer, what is lack after all?

As soon as most people get oral ulcer, they will think that they have eaten some fiery food recently, which leads to heat. But in fact, in our modern medicine, there is no concept of "inflamed". We are generally called recurrent oral ulcer, which refers to a kind of unexplained, recurrent but self limited, isolated, round or oval ulcer. Therefore, it is obviously one-sided to say that oral ulcer is caused by fire, but it may be related to the following factors:

1. Damage of oral mucosa. Everyone has this experience, eating nuts mouth accidentally stabbed, or eating accidentally bite to the inside of the cheek, these can also cause oral ulcer.

2. Lack of nutrients. Some people just finished intestinal surgery, loss of appetite, leading to the lack of B vitamins and trace elements, such as iron, folic acid, zinc, etc., while suffering from oral ulcers.

3. Disease factors. On the one hand, the presence of Streptococcus and its associated viruses often induce oral ulcer; On the other hand, Behcet's disease and oral malignancies often persist and may be accompanied by oral ulcers and other systemic symptoms.

4. Some oral ulcers may be related to mental and genetic factors.

In short, because the causes of oral ulcer are too complex, so at present, human beings have not studied it clearly! If the oral ulcer attacks repeatedly for a long time, and it is difficult to heal, you should be careful at this time! It's probably Behcet's disease!


Behcet's disease, I believe many people are the first to hear of this disease. It also has a pleasant name, the disease of the Silk Road, which is determined by the difference in the incidence of Behcet's disease. The incidence rate of the Silk Road from Japan to China to Turkey is significantly higher than that of other countries.

The main clinical manifestation of Behcet's disease is oral ulcer, which also causes the disease to paralyze people in the early stage. But in fact, the normal oral ulcer is short-lived and accidental, or it may be caused by accidentally biting the oral mucosa. This kind of ulcer often only needs to pay attention to diet and work and rest to heal itself. But if there are more than 3 times of oral ulcer in a year, we should be alert whether it is Behcet's disease.

It is a chronic, progressive, recurrent and systemic damage disease based on vasculitis. Behcet's disease is also a complex, unexplained, multi system involved chronic autoimmune disease. The incidence rate of Behcet's disease is about 1.4/ million in China. Basically any age group is likely to be ill.

In addition to oral ulcer, Behcet's disease can also be manifested as genital ulcer, ophthalmitis and skin damage. In severe cases, blood vessels, nervous system, digestive tract, joints, lungs, kidneys and other organs may be involved.


Treatment, in fact, will not be very difficult. What we are afraid of is our carelessness, which often gives the disease a good "growth period".

To reduce the probability of Behcet's disease, we should do the following:

1. Keep oral hygiene and reduce local irritation.

2. Pay attention to balanced diet and proper exercise. Not only reduce the lack of trace elements, but also enhance the body's immunity.

3. Relax, relieve pressure and stay up late.

Finally, I hope everyone can get less oral ulcers and not endure this indescribable "torture"!









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